Dr.Hartard-Physio-Vibbing® München





Einfluss biorhythmisch definierter pulsierender elektromagnetischer Felder (PEMF) mit geringer Flussdichte auf Parameter der Zirkulation bei verzögerter Regeneration

-Kontrollierte und randomisierte Intervention-

Bad vibrations: insights into the mysterious on/off itch and erythema during whole body vibration exercise

-controlled and parallelized randomized trial-

Vibration training raises maximal muscle velocity and power

-controlled and parallelized randomized trial-

Influence of heat and/or vibration on unspecific back pain

-controlled and parallelized randomized trial-

Vibration training raises maximal muscle velocity and power (poster)

-controlled and parallelized randomized trial-

New generation of vibration training devices reduces undesirable accelerations

-comparison of two systems-

-controlled and parallelized randomized trial-

Zusammenarbeit zwischen CDG und TUM

TEL: +49 89 35747125+49 89 35747125

E-Mail: info@vibbing.de

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